All you need to know about the best Sanitary Napkins in India

Women understand that sanitary napkins in India play a crucial role in their life. The periodic management of periods is crucial life event to be tackled every month. The thin pad is designed to absorb the menstrual blood and it comes in different sizes and shapes including the ultra thin ones and the ones with the wings. Today there are a plethora of brands offering sanitary pads in the market. The sanitary napkins in India offer comfort besides protection and they are designed to suit many needs including time of the day flow of the blood and the needed duration of the use. Some napkin brands offer sanitary pads in different prices for the customers to choose from. Urban Indian women have been using sanitary napkins for the past few years but in rural India the change is slow and in the past few years rural women have also started to be aware about the need and the use of sanitary napkins for hygiene reasons instead of using typical clothes.

Best Sanitary Napkins in India

Reasons to use natural or organic best sanitary napkins in India

The market of the organic sanitary market is quite ignorant as people don’t consider organic sanitary napkin as a great option but women during her menstrual years on an average produces 125 kgs of sanitary waste and the waste is generated when the disposable napkins are used. Currently people are cautious about the environment and they choose to use natural products.

Ensure great hygiene

At some point people wonder that that vaginas are not a very clean place and if they are clean they end up spelling a little odd. That’s right if you try to judge down there has been some smell and it’s true that vaginas have a different smell. Studies say that smell need not be the same for all the women as it varies from person to person. Even when the vagina is healthy they have the unique smell and it is due to the bacteria present. When it comes to the vagina hygiene the clothes we wear is quite important as cotton is the best choice when it comes to dressing down below. Cotton has a great ability to keep the vagina areas dry and keep it ventilated at the same time. It explains that why sanitary napkins in India with cotton can be a great option to manage the monthly challenge and there are natural wood waste absorbing materials used in the making of sanitary napkins.

Amazing absorption capacity

It is challenging to manage everything when it comes to menstrual cycles and the proper absorption of menstrual blood is another thing. Natural materials including cotton and paper have good absorption abilities then the synthetic fabric and materials. Cotton can absorb at least 27 times of water weigh to its own weight and it’s convincing enough.

Environmental friendly

With each passing day the earth has become a junkyard and other hazards of the West we dump so it is everyone’s responsibility to reduce the carbon footprint and natural products are one of the best ways to reduce the bad environmental effects.

Things to consider when buying sanitary pads:

Several brands claim to offer natural products but they don’t provide all the natural sanitary pads as the only top sheet is natural so you need to check the composition of a sanitary pad while purchasing sanitary napkin. Sanitary pads are made from bamboo and cornstarch fiber and they are changing the current narrative besides bringing a better solution to the menstrual woes.

One of the aspects that women turn a blind eye to is safe and hygienic disposal. You need to ensure that you dispose sanitary napkin in a perfect manner just like Baby Diapers Small Size. Sanitary pads are disposable bags ensure hygiene and also offer convenient disposal while you are travelling.

You need to choose packs that are not only safe for your body but also for the environment. Biodegradable packs go a long way in maintaining environmental health as they are disposed quickly as compared to the synthetic bags which take a lot of time to disco. You need to choose a brand that offers pads in various sizes and women should not choose any standard size as all the women have different cycles. Sanitary pads should absorb the flow from the surface of the pad making you dry always. Some products to a better job at this than others. You need to consider pads with wings as they are the extra material on the sides that fold over the undies. You need to keep your pet’s securely attached and give extra protection to leaks.

Published by naturallyhygiene

With the launch of sanitary napkin brand Niine, we have embarked on a journey to serve and contribute towards improving female hygiene and sanitation conditions across India and significantly grow the market.

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